South Africa had always been a place that I dreamed of visiting until those dreams became nightmares. Everything that I had hoped to find on holiday became a terror to me at night.
I saved money for the last five years to be able to fly from New York to South Africa and then spend three full weeks there before flying home. Now after just a couple of nights there I was already thinking about flying home right away even though I would have to pay a fortune in change fees.
The flight had been a long one and I had gotten some rest on the plane. I was grateful for that. Upon arrival, I was swept up in the beauty that is South Africa. As soon as I could I got out of the airport into the countryside away from the city to see the land and relax and read and write and be restored from working so hard all the time. I really needed this time away and the first day went great. I had made arrangements to live with a family who would provide a room for me to sleep and food for me to eat and the chance to experience South Africa in a more personal way.
They were great people, so welcoming and it seemed like we were family almost from the first moments. Right away we were out riding in a Range Rover and seeing the beautiful scenery that was all around and even a few animals. I loved the sound of my hosts’ voices and the joy they seemed to possess just showing me their home country. I learned more that first day than I had learned in the previous months of studying up for my trip. It was an amazing first day.
As they showed me my room which was actually a separate one near their house, I was told that they hoped the bed would be comfortable for me. I replied thank you and that I was sure it would be. The husband and wife looked at each other in a kind of strange way and then told me to make sure that I slept in the bed. I thought that was odd because of course that is what I was planning to do.
Their response was to repeat themselves and tell me that I was to sleep in the bed. Even if it ended up not being comfortable for me or it seemed hot I was to sleep in the bed. I told them that it would be fine and that I had slept on the plane coming over and if I could do that I could sleep easily in this bed.
They looked seriously at each other and then smiled at me and wished me a happy sleep and said they would have breakfast for me at 8 in the morning which would allow me to sleep in a little after the travel over and the ride around that we had done all day. I thanked them for their hospitality and told them that I was definitely climbing in bed right away to get a good night’s sleep to be ready for the adventures of the next day.
As soon as they left I put on my sleep shorts because the room was hot and then I sat on the edge of the bed and looked around the room. I noticed as I sat that the bed seemed higher than normal. My feet barely touched the floor even as I stretched them a little. Otherwise, the bed looked pretty normal to me, a nice big bed that was perfect for me with plenty of room to sleep.
As I sat there more with the door closed the room got even hotter. I had expected heat so that didn’t bother me but the height of the bed still seemed strange. I looked underneath it and saw that the legs of the bed were up on bricks. It was the several bricks that made the bed so high. But the bed was sturdy and I wasn’t worried that the legs would come off of the bricks so I just laid back to get some sleep.
Instantly I was out. If there is one thing that I know how to do it is sleep. Fast. I was asleep so quickly that I hadn’t even pulled a cover over me which actually turned out for the best because when I woke up a few hours later I was sweating a lot even without covers on. Wow, this place was hot. I needed some air.
I walked over to open the door but discovered that even with it open it was as hot as before so I went ahead and closed it and walked back and sat on the edge of the bed. As I sat there sweating I realized that my feet were cooler than my arms. It was cooler down on the floor which of course makes a lot of sense since heat rises.
It didn’t take long until I decided to just sleep on the floor because it would be cooler but then I thought of what my hosts had told me, to sleep in the bed. I wondered what their anxiety was so I looked around on the floor for bugs and spiders and such but the floor was very clean just like the whole room was. So I threw a sheet on the floor and a pillow on the sheet and lay down and promptly fell to sleep again. I told you I was a fast sleeper.
Fast asleep and then fast awake. I felt something sliding up my chest towards my neck and I opened my eyes and saw a horrible creature. It was very small and a cross between something human and some primate of some kind. I had never seen anything so ugly and it was staring me in the face as it crawled up on me. I rolled over and it fell off but as I lay still and thought that I must be having a very bad dream it touched my bare legs with its bony fingers and I saw blood, my blood, as it scratched me more and more.
This time as I rolled away I got up onto the bed as fast as I could and looked down into the darkness and couldn’t see anything. The rest of the night I hunched in the middle of the bed and eventually fell into a fitful sleep just before dawn.
At 8 my host knocked on the door and said that breakfast was ready in their kitchen and to come over as soon as I was ready. I threw on my pants and then socks and then shirt and ran my hand through my hair and dashed over to breakfast. I must have been quite a sight to them.
She looked at me and asked how I had slept. I lied and said it was a great night’s sleep and that’s why I was late for breakfast after sleeping in. With knowing looks they murmured to each other and then asked if the bed was comfortable for me. I told them the bed was great and that I looked forward to sleeping in it the rest of my time with them.
As I ate I kept picturing that horrible creature. What was it? Had it just been a nightmare after my long trip and lack of sleep the last few days? In any case, I had a long way to go on my three-week stay and I’m sure tonight would be better. I put it out of my head as I got energized with breakfast and went out on what was a normal day for my hosts but was what I would call a safari.
All that day we saw antelopes and elephants, hippos and rhinos, and even more. Of course, they weren’t all together but stretched out during the day and we had lots of time to talk about the animals and the culture and the land and history. I saw so much and took some notes, but mostly just looked and talked and looked some more. I took pictures that I knew were all the best that I had ever taken. I couldn’t get enough of it and the day stretched out longer and longer. My host, who was also a great guide, was very excited seeing how excited I was and he took me further and further to see more and more.
Then as we saw the most beautiful sunset that I had ever seen he told me that we had better turn towards home. I told him that I wish that we could just camp out here and enjoy what must have been an explosion of beauty in the stars at night. A terrified look came over his face and he said no, he would never camp out here and that we must get home. With that, he turned towards home and we came back at quite a pace, bouncing and careening around corners through the dark until we reached his home.
Upon arriving back he walked me to the door of my room and reminded me to make sure I slept in the bed and wished me a good night’s sleep. I told him thanks and that it had been an even better day than the first one and that I was looking forward to tomorrow. I got ready for sleep, pulled out my journal, and slid onto the floor with my back against the bed to take more notes of the day, things that I didn’t want to forget. I wrote and wrote and wrote until, exhausted, I fell asleep and rolled onto my side on the floor.
I was in a deep sleep for several hours and then started having the strangest dreams. I say dreams because they kept happening one after the other as one would end and another one begins. That creature who I had seen the night before was in every dream. Scratching me with his long bony fingers. I would push him away and fall fitfully asleep again but then the next dream would start and be even worse than the first as I felt deep scratches in my back. One was so horrible that I awakened with a lurch and saw him reaching towards my neck and I jumped up and into bed, crawling to the center of the bed. I breathed heavily for a long time and moaned and seemed to hear another moaning that was not my own.
Totally exhausted I collapsed onto my side on the bed and slept until once again I heard a knocking on my door and the voice of my host that hoped I had slept well and that my breakfast was ready for me.
I lay there a bit longer and then pulled on my clothes and walked over to breakfast, not even attempting to hand comb my hair. I sat down in the chair and just started eating, slowly, and drinking in the coffee cup after cup. My hosts didn’t say a word. I was thinking of having them drive me to the airport. But this had been my dream. I wasn’t giving up. Yet.
After breakfast I had my senses back it seemed so I asked if we could go out in the other direction where we hadn’t been and see more of the countryside. Yes of course was the response and after splashing some water on my face I was off with him for another adventure day.
It is hard to even acknowledge this but it seemed that this third day was even better than the others. I hadn’t thought that was possible. We saw more elephants walking and then splashing in the water and saw birds that I had only imagined flying above and making the most beautiful sounds. The sky looked amazing and the pictures I was taking would probably be incredible to see when I looked at them later.
Then a lion walked towards us. Easy going. Not a worry in the world. I was terrified but my host told me that I could take a picture of the lion if I did it all very slowly. No fast movements. I slowly raised my camera and snapped one picture. The lion just kept walking towards us. I froze as it stopped. I took another picture and then another, not even daring to breathe.
Then the lion turned and slowly walked away, and that was that. I could breathe again. I told my host that we could go back now. That was what I needed for that day.
As he drove home we chatted more about what we had seen and how the animals were part of his homeland, of his life. He looked at me and asked me if the lion being that close was the most afraid I had ever felt. I said no, not even close. He nodded and said, make sure you sleep in the bed tonight. I nodded back and said yes sir.