Monday, April 10, 2023

Dependency on Christ

Dependency on Christ.

For those filling out tax forms there is a benefit to having dependents. But no one wants to be a dependent all of their life. People want to be the Head of their Household.

We want to be blessed, empowered, and free.

I think dependency on Christ tops everything. We don't have to carry ourselves. In fact, besides not having to carry ourselves we are able to let Christ carry us. 

I realize that no one phrase summarizes all of life but this one is giving me hope. If it encourages you then I'm glad about that too.

You don't have to go it alone. I don't have to go it alone.

Dependency on Christ. 

Friday, April 7, 2023

Raining on Good Friday

It's raining now and it's supposed to be like this all day and into tomorrow. This is one of the few rainy days that encourage me. Usually, they are a downer and I just want to be outside to walk in the sunshine.

But it always feels right to me when the weather is gloomy on this Friday, the one before Easter. It reminds me that Jesus suffered beatings, mocking, and horrible death. The only way you can call this Good Friday is to look beyond it to the resurrection. And I do.

But on that day when he was murdered in a cruel way it sure didn't look good. Three men on a cross and the man in the middle didn't deserve it. It was a sad day. This is a sad day to think of how he died for sins he did not commit. I'm grateful that he died for my sins and the sins of others, but I'm still sad. Because I don't deserve his forgiveness.

But that of course is the point. None of us deserve it but He gave us forgiveness willingly. Because He loves us.

Yes, Jesus loves me. Oh, how he loves you and me.

Happy Birthday Jesus

I was thinking this morning that the “problem” with Christmas is not the fun and fantasy and magic for children, the gifts and food and fami...