Ride, Woods, Ride! Everybody in town would yell this after my buddy Danny Woods would race by them ahead of all the rest of us who were pedaling furiously to try and keep up. Danny was the fastest bike rider, racer really, of me and my friends, and he loved to lead the pack. He was a couple of years younger than me, but he became my best friend in our small town.
So many late nights as a bunch of us would camp out in my back yard in our tent we would dream of how when we got older we would bike across America. I was just 14 and Danny was only 12 but the two of us especially would talk about it late into the night as other friends fell asleep. Sometimes Danny’s little sister, Nicki, would hear us talk about it during the day and beg us to let her come. Danny would roll his eyes and tell her that she was way too young for such an adventure. She was only 8 and who could imagine taking their little sister with them on a trip like this. This was meant for best friends who could ride all day and pitch a tent to sleep in at night and then ride all of the next day. Seeing the country together and having the time of our lives.
As we got older we kept riding and dreaming about our big adventure trip but even that talk kind of dwindled as we got into high school. Then in my Junior year of High School, my family moved away and I didn’t see Danny anymore. It wasn’t intentional. It just happened that way.
Next thing I knew I was away from home and attending college when I got a newspaper clipping from my parents of Danny dying in a car accident. I couldn’t believe it. It had been several years but I always thought I would get back to where he was and see him again. But now he was gone. The article said he was going too fast and hit a tree. Danny didn’t know the meaning of the phrase too fast when it came to riding a bike. I guess that went with him when he learned to drive. I hated that I even thought that but speed was always important to him. He would sit up straight on his bike and wave at people as they would shout to him “Ride, Woods, Ride” as he shot by them as he rode. He thought that was the best and the funniest compliment ever and he always enjoyed it.
I was away and didn’t make it back to his funeral. I should have but I didn’t. It had been several years and we hadn’t kept in touch and I had studying and activities to do for college. Excuses I know but they worked in my head and I just moved on. That’s really sad to even say that. He was my best friend. And I was just moving on. I thought of the bike ride we had dreamed of across America and how it would now never happen. But I knew it was never going to happen anyway. We had grown up or at least were in the process of growing up and other things were getting our attention now.
I finished college and landed a job at a publishing company. It wasn’t much of a job, basically a gopher getting things for the real writers and editors and all, but at least I was in the business. At least that is what I told myself. The proverbial foot in the door. Then one day six years into it I realized that my foot was always getting shut in that door and it hurt. The boss never saw me as anything but an assistant, though he said I was a good one, and never liked any story ideas that I would slip to him. I was 28 and in a job that was going nowhere. I wanted to quit but didn’t have the guts to do that without having another one.
It wasn’t money that held me back. I was good at saving and could have survived at least a year if I lived on the cheap but I didn’t really have anything that I wanted to do. There was no job that I knew of that wouldn’t be another entry-level position where I would be just getting by doing something for someone else who was doing something important.
Then I got this strange email that was in my spam folder from N. Woods. N. Woods? That didn’t ring a bell at all. I know it may sound strange that I was even going through my spam folder but that is something that I’d started doing sometimes. I told myself it was to make sure something important didn’t accidentally get sent to the wrong folder. In reality, though, I liked seeing the subject lines from people who wanted to give me a fortune if I would just send them my bank account number so they could deposit the millions for me. Or someone who knew what I did and would release the video and audio they had captured from my computer if I did not send them money. Women who were ready, and willing, to meet with me anytime anywhere for anything if I just clicked on the link right now. The I.R.S. needed confirmation on my filing and if I didn’t respond they would be locking me up. A store had selected me to be one of the first to get a new product from them and then review it but first I just needed to do a short survey.
In the middle of all of that and just before I deleted all of that day’s spam I noticed one from N. Woods with a heading of let’s live the dream. I paused a moment and almost deleted it with the rest but then something inside me told me to read this one. I didn’t need to click a link to read it so I read it.
From: N. Woods. Heading: Let’s live the dream.
Message: I don’t know if you remember me at all and even if you do I don’t know if you would even want to do this but I was thinking that maybe you and I could get together and talk. Just talk. Well, maybe not just talk. Reminisce might be a better word for it.
It seems like forever ago that you and my brother were best friends and I was his annoying little sister, Nicki. Yes, I’m Nicki Woods, Danny’s little sister? Do you remember me at all? Or him? I know you moved away and maybe don’t even know that he died in a car accident but I hoped you heard and I thought maybe I would see you at his funeral but then you didn’t come and I was disappointed, not in a weird strange way just in a he was your best friend way and why weren’t you there, but maybe you didn’t know. I know, everybody tells me I still run on and on with my talking like I did when I was a child which if you remember me you probably remember. Smile.
Ok so now either you have stopped reading this and already deleted it, are bothered that I would even say any of this to you after all these years, or you are intrigued and can’t wait to hear more. The last one pushes things too far I know but hey if you are still reading this you must be at least a little bit intrigued.
So I just graduated from college and am now certified. I know you are thinking that I am certainly certifiable but that is another thing and you will have to read on to see if your assumption is true. Anyway, I am certified as both a drama teacher and a physical therapist. I know, right? Those two things wouldn’t seem to go together but we can’t always choose what we really like to do and can also get through the training for, so there you have it.
Anyway, I have been offered a job at a high school but before I accept the position I wanted to try and find you and see if you would help me satisfy a promise that I made to Danny. It was about a month before his car accident and we were talking about dreams we had. We had gotten pretty close when I got out of my child phase. We were best friends too. Like you were with him. Well, not the same way but we were.
He started talking about how you and he had always talked about biking across America and he didn’t figure that would happen because he didn’t know where you were and besides people grow up and have different dreams. I asked him if he remembered about the day that I had asked him and you about going with you and how he had said no that I was too young. He told me he remembered. He laughed and said that now it would be great fun if we found you and took that ride together, him with his two best friends ever.
I gave him a big hug and promised him that I would try to find you and then ask you to take that adventure together as you had dreamed of those years before. He said that would be great and then he took off somewhere and I went back to whatever I was doing that day. We never said any more about it because then he died soon after that talk and you didn’t come to the funeral and I couldn’t deal with finding you because after all he was gone and the three of us couldn’t take that trip.
I finished high school and then college but sometimes I would think of that promise and especially when I entered bicycle races. I did pretty well and always thought of how fast Danny used to ride. He was so good. So very good. And so very fast.
Yes, I know this has gotten very long but I knew I just had to put it all down or I would not have a chance of getting you to do this. I probably don’t have a chance anyway but I had to take a shot.
So here goes. I don’t know what you are doing. Whether you would even be interested in doing this travel adventure. If there is even any way that you could get away from what you are doing. And if you are even in shape anymore to do this. Laugh.
Would you like to bike across America with me? Would you do this with me for Danny? Would you help me fulfill my last promise to him? And hey, I’m a certified Physical Therapist so if you are too out of shape these days I could help you keep going if you can’t keep up with me. Smile.
I know you used to like to write. You wrote down everything always and had such details about how the weather was and the places you saw and even the clouds. You made everything sound like an adventure and even though I was too little to go on many of those adventures you would let me read what you wrote and it was almost like I had been there. I don’t know what you are doing now but maybe you could write about our bike trip.
I know I’m asking a lot, and I’m hoping that I found the right email address for you, but if you could respond one way or the other I would appreciate it. If you can’t do this I understand and I will at least know that I fulfilled the part of the promise to try and find you. But I am hoping we can do this for Danny. Best friends till the end.
I sat in my room staring at the email. I moved it to my personal folder. I realized two things. The first was that I would never ever be able to delete spam in bulk again. The second was that Danny was the best friend ever, even when I wasn’t.
Then I started my reply to N. Woods. To Nicky. For Danny.
I tell you all of this my faithful readers because some of you have wondered about the name of this blog that I have been doing about my ride across America. I’ve been describing the highways and the towns we’ve been riding through and the people we’ve met. You’ve even read of some of the places we’ve eaten and my aches and pains along the way.
I thought it was about time to tell you the why of this adventure instead of just the where and the how. We’ve still got a long way to go. I’m still grateful to travel with my own physical therapist who helps me keep going. She is so much better at all of this riding than I am but she waits for me to catch up, eventually. Meanwhile, she rides past me very fast. Those who have been reading of our adventures and know that we are coming through their town often line up and wait to see us, cheering us on. But I know who they are really waiting to see. It’s what I have named this blog. It’s what they cheer when she speeds by them and rises in the seat and waves at them as they shout.
Ride, Woods, Ride! And we both think it’s still funny. Every. Single. Time.